One side claims they’d rather have the real thing. The other side protests that permanent trees have come a long way in recent years. And, if anything, the remarks of some potential buyers have switched from “It looks fake,” to “It looks too perfect.”
Santa’s Own, of Brunswick, Ohio, is one of the nation’s foremost manufacturers, assemblers and wholesalers of permanent Christmas trees. Its staff takes pride in helping to sway public opinion toward the high-end, permanent tree.
“We offer what is probably the most life-like – and perhaps the most expensive – Christmas tree on the market,” says Brian Love, president of Santa’s Own.
Its called their “Nature’s Own tree, a handmade, precise replica of the popular Frazier Fir, the nation’s most sought after tree at Christmas. From the deliberate random positioning of its branches to the reinforced tips of its deep-set needles to handle even heavy ornaments, nothing has been left to chance. And, while the price tag is hefty, permanent trees last a long time. Up to 20 years, in many instances. “What’s more, their beauty and their ease of assembly make for a very worthwhile investment,” says Mr. Love. “I feel this tree will prove revolutionary in the marketplace.”
Santa’s Own this year also offers The Growing Tree, where you can adjust the height of the tree from seven to nine to even 10 feet high by simply adding more parts. It’s perfect for those who want a new look or plan to switch the tree to a room with higher ceilings.
Unlike the live tree, there’s no tromping through snow-covered fields to find the right one. No messy trip home in the car as the ice melts off the tree and onto your car’s seats and carpeting. No need to water them to keep them fresh. No need to clean off the dirt or spray for insects. There’s also no need to keep turning the tree for the best view, as good permanent trees look great from every angle. And Santa’s Own trees come pre-lighted, so there’s not the hassle of stringing light cords.
“The technology behind high-end Christmas trees has certainly advanced in recent years,” says Mr. Love. “Many of the myths surrounding permanent trees have been exploded. The question has become, instead of ‘Why would you have an artificial tree?” to “Why wouldn’t you?’ ”
The experts at Santa’s Own enjoy busting myths about permanent trees and offer these factual responses to decades-old misconceptions.
For instance:
Most people still prefer a live tree. False. According to a recent Neilson poll,
more than 80 percent of American households with Christmas trees now have an artificial one.
Artificial trees are harmful to the environment. No. Studies have concluded there is no significant environmental impact from the use of either an artificial, or a real Christmas tree.
Artificial Christmas trees don’t smell as nice. Perhaps. But did you know that along with that fresh tree smell comes almost 10 times the amount of mold routinely found indoors? No small matter to those who suffer from allergies. You can get the same scent from using sprays or scented ornaments on your permanent tree.
Do your own research and include a visit to Santa’s Own website at for more information.
And, regardless of which type of Christmas tree you decide upon, Happy Holidays from the folks at Santa’s Own.
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